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Here at Adventurous Ideas we are constantly looking for ways to better connect with you. We want to be able to have you, the adventurous fans, up to date with the latest news, be it projects in the works, new character design, or maybe answering some questions. We are thrilled to announce that we will be sharing an Adventurous Ideas Newsletter per month. This is a great way to share details, secrets, information, and maybe have a contest or two. To sign up click HERE.

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Many voice over actors, writers, and producers of Adventurous Ideas attend several cons throughout the year. Often time they are approached by podcasters eager to explore what's new in the entertainment world. These interviews help highlight and promote Adventurous Ideas. So, I have created a special page for you all to hear and see what the cast and crew are saying about their talent and our audio productions. To hear and view these interviews click HERE.

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Adventurous Ideas is pleased to release a show that highlights interviews from the cast and crew of the audio saga Heroes of Extinction. Hosted by voice over artist Jason Braden, this platform is a great way to meet the character voices of the show and to discover some of the behind the scenes. Each episode will feature an audio clip of the actor performing his or her part within the series. Please take a listen, take a moment to like, and leave a comment.
To hear the episodes click HERE 



Graphic designer Greg Greeson has been hard at work creating a new logo for the Adventurous Ideas audio series Heroes of Extinction. This strong emblem flawlessly represents the tone and feel of the 7-part superhero saga. We think Greg did a remarkable job capturing the essence of a hero. You'll be seeing more designs by this talented and versatile artist soon, not only for Heroes of Extinction but for other Adventurous Ideas projects as well.

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