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A Dark News Anchor

When Doug and I created the world of Dark Park the premise was simple, unusual things that happen at a theme park. Doug wrote several amazing stories and mapped out a complete season of episodes. As he worked on that I worked on the promo aspect of the series.


One of the things that I came up with was an audio news trailer of an anchor reporting the opening of a new theme park to be named Hank Williams Mysterious World of Adventure. I quickly wrote up a short clip and enlisted my good friend Butch Berry to voice the announcer. It was a great clipped filled with news-type music, good informative dialog, and the promise of what would link up to a great series. 

After completing the clip I decided not to link the series together and to have it more like an anthology series. However, I dusted off the clip and thought you might like to hear it.

Dark Park News Spot 1Adveturous Ideas
00:00 / 01:08


One of the really interesting concept that I attempted to do was have an animator create a 30 second to a minute teaser. The animator and I came up with the idea of having the camera pan through a deserted and broken down amusement park, zooming in on a dethatched coaster tracks, a thrown wooded horse on the      floor chipped and kicked inward, a leaning Ferris Wheel missing a few carts, and tattered games and snack booths. The camera  would then pan upwards to the moon where the caption "DARK PARK" cascades in. Shortly after, the entire scene fades to black.

It was a great idea that really would have highlight the essence of the entire season. Unfortunately, the animator got busy with other projects. He did however, send me these drafts. I may, in the future, get another animator to continue this charming little project.

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